
Oct 12 Weekly Astrology Forecast for All Signs

Many astrologers have been predicting the end of the world for years now, but it looks like they finally found the right date where it will happen! On (date), the world will end. Literally.

The full moon is in your sign today, so you will have an extra push to manifest your goals, although you should still stay positive. The moon is in your sign today and it will be there for the next few days, which will be a good time for you to work on manifesting the things you want.  This does not mean that fate is on your side, because the moon does not control your life; it just pushes you towards your goals.

Today, in our Weekly Astrology Forecast for All Signs, the stars are making a mixed forecast for your sign. In general, your day will be a little less stressful and a little more creative and productive than usual. You will feel a little tired, but you will also have a few bright moments.


Weekly Astrology Forecast for All Signs October 12 2024


word-image-5892 Sharing is not only caring – but empowerment Retro rules matter Re-visit self worth Mercury heads to full retroactive mode in your ‘other’ money house this week. Time to upgrade empowerment.

Especially around income, assets and earning power Aries. Also, there’s a sub-theme here around sharing. Let’s explore it. Impulsive, fiery you has no problem being generous. A miserly Aries is a virtually unknown commodity.

There’s little doubt that sharing what you have makes you feel good. But sharing is a two-way street. How are you when you are on the receiving end? Open and accepting? Or slightly guilty and ridiculously selfish for no reason?

It’s all about the worth

No more ‘We’re not worthy’ a la Wayne’s World. You are. Besides, look at how sharing what you have makes you feel. Good inside. It also sends an important message to the universe. When we share something it says we have more than enough. That’s an abundance mindset.

This week’s new supermoon in your 7th of partnerships of all kinds ushers in a new phase of relating. To one person in particular or perhaps its just between you and that worthiness. Just prior to this we have the Sun also in your 7th opposing retro Mars in your 1st, while the new Moon squares Pluto in your 10th. It’s all about how powerful you feel when it comes to attracting love, money, success, recognition or even making those changes to partnerships.

Asking for what we need is empowered by self-worth. Again, yes you are – worth it. There’s no hiding from this when Venus in your 6th opposes Neptune on the 18th. This is a beautiful transit for inspiration, art, fantasy, creativity and also psychic insight. Channel this and also any higher wisdom you’re receiving around love or what you need to do. However, don’t make the mistake to taking refuge in escapism rather than face up to the reality about a situation.

This week says you’re worthy more than that, Aries. And that’s allowing yourself the gift of the truth. In a nutshell: Want more love? A new Supermoon in your 7th hints at a transformation. Time to return to the place from which all love flows, Aries. That self-worth. Time for deservedness this week.


word-image-5893 Re-fabulize the love! Don’t get lost in imagination – realise it Put the past to bed Despite ruler Venus in your 5th of all things fabulizing, indulgent and love-related, you have Mercury switching gears in your 7th of lasting unions and partnerships on the 14th, Taurus.

Now, I should not need to remind you of the Retro Rules no matter which house Mercury moonwalks in. If you are unclear you can find numerous articles about the retroactive effects of Mercury on here. In your 7th and with Mars also presently retro in your 12th of the past, this isn’t the time to begin anything new. Putting the past to bed – literally and figuratively, yes.

As is rekindling that wicked streak if things between you and your significant other have gone decidedly vanilla lately.

Re-embrace the dream

This week’s super-sized new Moon in your 6th on the 16th makes a transformative angle to Pluto in your 9th of freedom and expansion. The start of a Feel-good work cycle is one potential. Restored love another. Either for someone or for something. Ruler Venus opposes Neptune in your 11th on the 18th.

Re-encountering friends or people from your past, re-visiting it or reclaiming your dreams – or the ability to dream a bigger one, restore the love vibe that may have been missing lately. In a nutshell: Sometimes a little fantasy is good for us. We imagine how things could be. It’s up to us whether we bring this down to earth by taking whatever actions we need to in order to make this happen. Go got both, Taurus.


word-image-5894 Be the retrograde boss Do your due diligence Is that history too good to be true? Treat those Retro Rules as if they are inscribed upon stone tablets now, Gemini. And then check for typos. Ruler Mercury heads backwards from the 14th – and in its ruling 6th. So, its capacity for all kinds of Mercury induced-mayhem is therefore increased.

Exponentially. This is your day job (paid or unpaid) house. Your habits, your routines, your studies, your pets, your health and wellbeing. And the details. The fine print. Schedules, systems, that Excel spreadsheet. And the weather. You’ll be more affected than usual by the latter. And you need to pay close attention to all the above areas.

You know the drill, Gemini. Now, go all OCD on it for the next three weeks minimum. And six if you really want to avoid mistakes, snafus and surprises you don’t want.

Love demands due diligence

We also have Mars retrograde in your social sector so friends and connections from your past could also feature. As could things that need to be said but which you may have been putting off saying. One connection is in focus as the 14th sees the Sun in your 5th oppose Mars.

Then the 16th brings us a new Supermoon in here. This will square Pluto in your 8th. What needs to change? It may be up to you to initiate that conversation. Friends in high places, powerful friends, people with entrée or in a mood to help you may also play a role as Venus in your 4th opposes Neptune in your 10th on the 18th.

However, please note. Due to all this retro-weather, new liaisons of any kind should be approached with caution. Especially that person whose resume may seem a little too good to be true. Either on a personal or professional level. Sure, they may be exactly who they appear to be. But Mercury in your 6th is all about due diligence. So, check anyone’s credentials now. And if you are looking at a kiss-and-make-up situation with a lover, if you don’t want the patter of little feet to intrude later, use due diligence there too.

In a nutshell: Ruler Mercury heads retrograde in its ruling 6th. Time to crush those retro rules, Gemini. Question everything. Especially if that backstory seems just a little too good to be true.


word-image-5895 Escape into who you really are Love runs on emotional honesty Own it, Cancer! Expect swirling emotions around love, dreams and desires this week, Cancer. Especially when it comes to getting those needs filled. Own them now.

And find ways to express them. First, Mercury retrograde in your 5th from the 14th wants you to focus on your needs around being loved, adored, the desire to express yourself and be yourself, and what you love to do. Rediscover the love now. This is not the right time to go seeking new love. But to reclaim or revive old or existing loves. Especially anything creative or which gives you that all-important heady sense of freedom.

Join the Escape Club

This week’s new moon is supersized in its ruling 4th in your chart. It also squares Pluto in your 7th when it appears. So, this is about your feelings and needs around security and seeing these met. Or feeling you are being listened to, validated and above all, those needs are being treated as important by your significant other. Or even your boss, business partner or bestie.

When we can talk about how we feel and ask for what we need, we feel loved and secure in our relationship. So, if you have been putting this off, this supermoon combined with the retro-weather says support begins with you supporting yourself by being upfront about your feelings. Real love begins with the truth about who we are and what we feel. Even if what we are feeling is insecure, nervous or fragile. Mercury retro rules ‘re’ words. Repairing our hearts and our relationships starts with emotional honesty. Not avoidance or escapism.

So, in addition to the above, when Venus in your 3rd opposes Neptune in your 9th on the 18th, choose emotional freedom – not escapism. Reaching for a higher love begins with loving ourselves enough to express those needs, Cancer. In a nutshell: This week’s Supermoon hands you a loving spoonful of emotional honesty with self-love sprinkles. Sharing those feelings and the truth around what you truly need sets you free – and brings others closer.


word-image-5896 Check the T&C’s Love is in the fine print – and the action Wait to make your move Moving matters should be on hold unless you have no option now thanks to Mercury retro in your 4th from the 14th. Also, take extra special care with paperwork and contracts this week. I could use the term ‘fine tooth comb’ when it comes to the small print.

This is due to the additional influence of the new Supermoon in Mercury’s ruling 3rd on the 16th. Which just happens to square Pluto in Mercury’s ‘other’ ruling 6th. As well as the Sun in your 3rd opposing retro Mars in your 9th on the 14th. It’s never too late to have that talk or make things clear.

Taking care of business

Get a professional opinion if you are not certain about the T&C’s of anything you are signing or entering into now. The T&C’s may not be what you think they are. Or they could be skewed in favour of the other party. People going back on their word or the goal posts being moved are other possibilities. This new Moon is all about love or conversely, the devil being in the details.

When it comes to relationships – it’s what people do, not what they say that reveals their hearts and intentions now. This is an excellent retro cycle under which to Home Edit, declutter, redecorate or renovate. If you are thinking of moving, confine your activities to researching possible locations for that relocation for now. And wait until next month to act if you can. Venus in its ruling 2nd opposes Neptune in your ‘other’ money house on the 18th.

Again, if you are involved in salary or pay negotiations, joint assets, loans, mortgages or anything you share with someone – from the chores to a bank account, you need to be very clear about who has or does what. Don’t be afraid to get things in writing or just to deal with them in a practical fashion. This week says take care of business. Both at home and outside of it, Leo.

In a nutshell: Put your house in order under this retro spell, Leo. Edit, renovate, redecorate, improve, tidy up. Look at what to take and what to toss but stay put for now. Love reveals itself in actions, not words this week.


word-image-5897 Love asks: What’s the hurry? Reboot that self-worth ‘Re’ words rule and retrograde is one of them! Ruler Mercury is serving up an extra-special side order of retroactive mayhem this week. It retrogrades in its ruling 3rd from the 14th.

Just like your fellow Mercury-influenced sign Gemini, you need to treat those Retro Rules as if they have been handed to you by a Higher Power and inscribed upon stone. Watch for delays, breakdowns and cancellations. Fact check everything you hear, read or send out. You know you should not be entering into anything new now, Virgo. But sometimes, this cannot be helped.

The Sun in your 2nd opposes retro Mars in its ruling 8th in your chart also on the 14th. If you have to sign anything to do with financial or business matters at this time, please ensure you understand what you are getting into. And don’t be afraid to ask for clarification or more time if needed.

Returning love doesn’t need to rush

And take your time with love too. This especially applies to that past lover who reappears wanting a second chance. But equally, don’t be rushed into anything new either. You need to know this is the real deal. And if that old lover is saying they have changed, then let them prove it by making them woo you as if you had just met for the first time. Just to be sure.

This week’s new Supermoon in your 2nd could however be ushering in a cycle of freshly minted self-esteem for you. In which case you’ll have no hesitation over insisting on taking your time. The Moon squares Pluto in your 5th and the other aspect of this could be you coming to the conclusion that something isn’t quite good enough for you. If so, those Mercury ‘re’ words include release.

As in letting go to make way for something better. Venus still in your 1st opposes Neptune in your 7th two days after the supermoon appears. At its best this links you to the highest potential of love between you and someone else. But ensure it or they can live up to this. Again, don’t be afraid to take your time to ensure that love is exactly what it seems to be. ‘Re’ words also include reality and realisation.

That’s retro power this week. In a nutshell: Ruler Mercury turns back in its ruling 3rd. You know the drill by heart, Virgo. Take your time even with those retrograde themes. If something returns now, what’s the rush?!


word-image-5898 New beginnings spring from the past Get relating to abundance What come back could be worth a second look Your ‘new’ cycle officially begins this week with the new Supermoon in your 1st on the 16th.

However, it has an ‘everything old is new again’ vibe to it thanks to Mercury retrograde in your 2nd and Mars still retro in your 7th. This week sees the Sun in your 1st oppose retro Mars on the same day Mercury heads into reverse (14th).

The new Supermoon will also square Pluto in your 4th. Expect revivals and rebirths to feature. Potentially around money, home, a partner or even self-worth.

Reboot your future

There’s a feeling of traveling back to or resurrecting something in order to move forward or begin anew. Don’t forget, Mercury retro rules ‘re’ words. Naturally, actually starting something new – especially a new love affair really isn’t one of your gifts this birthday season.

Not only are you likely to find it fizzles out once Mars heads direct again next month, but Mercury begins its retro-cycle in your house of relationships which are assets to you. Indicating someone may turn out to be the reverse.

Show the flow of abundance your love

Upgrading your relationship to your cash and abundance however – show it the love, Libra. The past continues to be in focus thanks to ruler Venus still in your 12th. This week it opposes Neptune in your 6th. This could draw back worthy alliances, people, opportunities or work you have done in the past.

Before recommitting (another ‘re’ word), ask how it or they used to make you feel then. And how they make you feel right now. Don’t buy back into nostalgia. This week wants you to revisit (that ‘re’ once more) the past but just that. Re-frame it, re-imagine how it could be, but don’t buy a return ticket, Libra.

In a nutshell: Retrogrades rule ‘re’ words – especially Mercury ones. Your #1 Re word: Reinvention. Under the new Supermoon in your 1st personal reinvention and rebirth are what shape your future this week.


word-image-5899 Love is the power of reinvention Work your brand like you own it because yes – you do You know who and what you want to be – so be that Ready for a little (or a lot) of reinvention, Scorpio? A relaunch or rebranding of your magnificence ahead of your new cycle, perhaps? Rebirths are possible now.

So, wrap yourself in that cocoon and take all the time you need before emerging to astound with a brand new you as Mercury turns retrograde in your 1st from the 14th.

Work your style

Your appearance, profile – on-line and yes, off and unfiltered, your brand, presence, social media, title, look, style – is it time to Fab Five yourself? You may withdraw this week to go deep into this process. The Sun in your 12th opposition to Mars in your 6th on the 14th has you going back over wellbeing matters.

What drives or drains you. To get the part you want in life you have to feel the part (wellbeing). And to feel the part – you got it – you have to look the part. Adjustments and transformations are likely following the new Supermoon also in your 12th on the 16th. This new Moon also squares Pluto in your 3rd. Hearing from someone from your past is likely now. Especially as Venus in your 11th opposes Neptune in your 5th on the 18th.

But here’s the thing – you’ve changed or are in the process of changing. Have they? This Venus/Neptune position can have us putting the past into soft-focus and filtering out what we don’t want to see. Or we can use it to channel our highest creative self-expression. Which we can then use to re-make ourselves. In any image we want but mostly in the one which says who we are in the process of becoming.

That’s the brand message you need to send, Scorpio. In a nutshell: Just who do you think you are, Scorpio? Ahead of your birthday season this week offers you the chance to become anything or anyone you can imagine for the coming year. You can dream it – so be it!


word-image-5900 Past healing takes place Where does the fire still burn? Who comes with you into the future? With Mercury retrograde in your house of the past, aside from the usual retro rules, expect the past to feature now. Past places, people from your past – especially your early years or past neighbours, old haunts and unfinished business.

Past wounds may also re-surface. If they do, please be gentle on yourself and take time out if needed to reflect. Above all, don’t judge. Especially yourself. This is simply about re-framing your past or seeing it in a new way in order to release and move forward next month.

Get smouldering

You also have Mars retro-active in your 5th. This means that somewhere a fire may still burn. Are you carrying a torch, Sag? The Sun’s opposition to Mars also on the 14th could bring that lover back or re-ignite the flame. But don’t be tempted by anything new. It can go from hot to not very quickly in this kind of retro-weather.

This week’s new Supermoon in your 11th squares Pluto in your 2nd. You need friends who have your back. And who support your dreams. Due to Pluto’s influence here, this cycle may begin with you realising that you and someone else (or even a larger group of people), are now on different wavelengths. Or simply don’t share the same values. If this is what occurs, then just like that smoulder, this one has been simmering for a while and should come as no shock.

The new Moon in our 11th is always one that puts us back in touch with our future goals. And can usher in a new social experience – even during Covid. So, look for ways to connect. And if people from your past are on your mind – yes you can make the first move, Sag. Get organised and realistic about career matters. Venus in your 10th enhances your professional and public image. But it’s important to be seen as someone who knows where they are aiming those arrows.

Especially with Neptune in your 4th which Venus opposes on the 18th. Home, living arrangements, family, career or on a larger scale, your employer, landlord, council could feature. Act with authority and have a clear outcome in mind. This could just hand you a creative way to move on up. And build on that past, Sag. In a nutshell: Take all the time you need to put the past into perspective this week. But don’t get bogged in regret or nostalgia. Want to make new memories? The people to create them with are ready to be found.


word-image-5901 Get a whole new angle on success Time to take action It’s hip to be square Friends and goals get the re-vamp treatment now Mercury turns retrograde in your 11th from the 14th. You’re also being offered the opportunity to re-boot your public or professional profile or career path.

Is it time for a fresh direction? Or do you just want to ensure others give you the credit you deserve? Reach deep into those emotional reserves and set some new intentions when it comes to what you believe you can achieve for yourself this week. First, we have the Sun in your 10th opposing retro Mars in your 4th. Mars may have been needling you to take action while in here.

But due to it being retrograde, you may have been uncertain as just to what. Or even lost that serious self-confidence other signs envy you for. Not so now. This re-ignites your ambition and is a call to action. Plus you now see clearly just what needs to be done.

Why is it hip to be square?

Even if this ruffles some feathers on the home front, you will be determined to enact changes or see them through now. This week’s new Supermoon also in your 10th will square Pluto in your 1st on the 16th. Squares aren’t necessarily bad. Without them we’d all cruise along through life on all those trines and sextiles like a bunch of beach bums.

I’m not saying life’s a beach isn’t a nice way to live. But we’d never really find out what we were truly capable of. Which we do under squares and oppositions as they hand us energy to push against. If you look at so many successful people’s charts chances are they contain a fair number of these aspects as well as those trines and conjunctions. So, you need both.

You are now not about to ignore the call to see what you can make, do, or achieve. No matter what effort this takes. And you have help. Venus in your 9th opposes Neptune in your 3rd on the 18th. Now, you either opt for permanent escape to sit in front of that beach hut, or you take what you want to do seriously and discover that you might just be able to sit on the beach – and own it. This week says don’t drop out from that success story you’ve been authoring, Capricorn. It may take extra effort, but there’s another chapter to be written.

Even if it’s in retro-active hindsight. In a nutshell: This week’s new Supermoon wants you to author a new kind of success story. One where you discover just how empowered you can be Capricorn. So, begin the process of being all you can be. Simply by trying.


word-image-5902 Reconnect to your purpose You have only one life – so live it (reincarnation aside!) No more repeat performances in love Look back at what you have achieved so far and give yourself credit where it’s due, Aquarius. Mercury turns retrograde in your house of career, rewards, recognition and general ‘adulting’ from the 14th. And if you are asking questions such as: Who’s life is this anyway? During this time – that’s normal.

Live it your way

Authoring your own path or should I say, revising or re-writing it if needed, may form part of your retro homework now. Above all, it’s about ownership. Your choices and decisions got you to where you are today. Need to choose again? Use the next few weeks to do just that.

Or to realign that purpose. This week brings you a new direction to head in even under this retrograde weather. You may hear from someone from your past or the past could return as the Sun in your 9th opposes retro Mars in your 3rd on the 14th. The 16th sets lose a new Supermoon in your 9th. But again, there are links to the past as it squares Pluto in your 12th.

The rebirth of an opportunity or direction perhaps. If something presents itself a second time – don’t hesitate this time around if it somehow feels fresh, new and filled with discovery. Changes around finances are afoot but be wary of taking out new loans, mortgages or credit cards in this present retro climate.

Or if you do, ensure you are crystal clear about what you are getting into when Venus in your 8th opposes Neptune in Venus’s ruling 2nd on the 18th. The only second time around chance you need to exercise caution over is that lover who returns now. Your chances of a repeat performance? Almost 100%. You’re here to learn from the past. Not repeat it.

A new success story demands a different outcome, Aquarius. In a nutshell: A freedom inciting new Supermoon in your 9th speaks of release and expanding into a bigger experience. So, when choosing what path to take this week, avoid any which repeat the past, Aquarius.


word-image-5903 Change is attracted by your intention See the direction love takes you from a fresh perspective Move closer Are you ready for a release into positive and empowering change, Pisces? Wave that mermaid or mer-mans tail if that’s a yes or shake that trident.

You’re not going round in circles. You’re closing the gap.

That symbol of yours – two fish swimming in opposite directions? See it as circling one another to come closer. What you draw to you this week depends on your ability to welcome in transformation and changes. So, set your sights higher especially around love as Venus in its ruling 7th opposes your ruler Neptune on the 18th. This is linked to your past and freeing you from a cycle.

Those fish should not be circling a drain. But moving closer to connection and perfection. Once they merge – that’s the soul freedom. You may have the chance to try this again with someone or a second time opportunity around work or solving an issue thanks to the Sun in your 8th opposing retro Mars in your 2nd on the same day Mercury goes back in your 9th.

Choose the option which releases you from a spin cycle. The full Supermoon of the 16th in your 8th promises just that provided you surrender to the current and the change. It squares Pluto in your 12th – another link to the past. This could even see you step free of a karmic cycle of negative thought or family karma that has kept you circling, circling instead of swimming free.

So, go with the current of change this week and don’t swim against it. You just might be lucky in that it puts you in the path of someone whose direction merges with yours. What swims around doesn’t have to go round and round any longer. In a nutshell: You’re not going around in circles. But spiralling closer to what you truly want, Pisces. To bring it in range this week, open up to where change wants to take you. T

rust in the flow – and the process. to my blog! This is where I share and discuss my weekly astrological forecasts, which can be viewed in the links provided in each post. Whenever I publish something new, I will make sure to post a link to it here. Thanks for visiting!. Read more about weekly horoscope capricorn and let us know what you think.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is 2024 prediction according to your sign?

It’s been a year since the last astrological forecast, so it’s now time for an update. The four tropical zodiac signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Leo) have got a lot more popular in recent years, but it’s still not right to talk about them too much.

In fact, it’s more important to pay attention to our four temperaments (Sanguine, Melancholic, Choleric, Phlegmatic), since they are the ones that have the strongest influence on our personality and our destiny. Astrology is not a science and therefore cannot be used to predict anything with 100% accuracy.

However, there are some things that we can predict with high level of accuracy. For example, the astrology signs can predict what the current year will be like and what will happen in the next few years. Many people believe this is true.

Is 2024 a bad year for Libra?

We’ve seen a lot of news lately around the upcoming launch of a new cryptocurrency called Libra. This coin, which is backed by Facebook, will facilitate the transfer of money between individuals and their bank accounts, and potentially connect people directly with other people. It’s a great idea, but there are a lot of things we still don’t know about the Libra project.

Libra is the only sign of the zodiac that is represented by a single constellation, known as the Balance, which is located in the southern hemisphere. Aries, Aquarius, Cancer, Capricorn, and Libra are the only zodiac signs that are visible in the entire southern hemisphere. Libra is the second most important sign of the zodiac and is considered a moderate and balanced sign.

Which zodiac sign will be the luckiest in 2024?

Each sign has a month and year that is considered lucky, and for the next year, that month and year is considered lucky for everyone born on that day and year. For example, the wisest sign of all, the Sagittarius, will be the luckiest in January, May, and December in 2024; those born in January, May, and December in 2019 will be lucky in February, June, and December in 2024. Oct 12 Weekly Astrology Forecast for All Signs

The zodiac sign that will be the luckiest in 2024 is Cancers. As the saying goes, a person born under the sign of Cancer stands a chance to live for a long, long time. This is because Cancers are under the sign of the crab, which is known as a lucky sign. The crab is known to be a long-living creature, and so, the same is expected for Cancers.

Other stars under the crab are other special zodiac signs. (All 3 horoscopes were taken from: )

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