
Weekly Astrology Forecast: All Signs September 7th 2024

Every week, on Sunday, you will receive the Weekly Astrology Forecast for the week ahead. You can read the forecast, see the planets that are moving, and make a plan, before you look at the actual charts for the day. I will make notes when I see a significant aspect or a significant planet moving through a particular sign, house, or house cusp.

You are now looking at the Weekly Astrology Forecast for all signs September 7th 2024, hosted by Josephine St. Clair, the Astrologer.  The original purpose of this site was to allow people to calculate their own dates of birth from the date they were born.

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word-image-5240 Say it with love Be prepared to impress A new success story Let’s talk about unity this week, Aries. Conversations are likely to revolve around you and another due to the dynamic between Mercury in your 7th and Mars now in your 1st. Taken from the 10th.

Don’t just talk, do it

This is the kind of retarded person you haven’t seen in years. Actually, it depends on your age. All I can tell you is don’t put off having this conversation. Your concerns should be voiced. And put your words into action. Especially if you want to change the dynamics of the relationship.

Love requires more than just talking. For more information, see the monthly forecast for September. Two major oppositions this week, plus a Jupiter direction in your 10th house. The home of 13 can lead to what dreams are made of. Don’t get lost, and if the opportunity arises, take it.

Which may be harder than usual with your steward retroactive. Your salvation is Chiron in your 1st house. House. Which is in the same opposition with Mercury on the 11th. The message or conversation you start will take you in a totally unexpected direction. Venus in your 5th house.

House gives you a pass to the pleasure zone. This is your home of pampering and romance. And also the good times, the joy, the creativity, your hobbies, the things that make you stand out and shine, and your creativity. It also forms a trine with Chiron on the 13th, the same day that Jupiter becomes direct.

Now it’s about making the best possible impression. Also, so you attract the people you want to impress! With Mercury in the house of Venus, this is a time to make an impact, both personally and professionally. Needless to say, if you are looking for love, you should not hesitate. This is one of your houses of attraction where you can attract your desires.

And Chiron tells you this in a way you can’t even imagine!

A remarkable success story

His other pub is 10. House of career, public image and reputation. Where Jupiter is still working to increase solutions and opportunities for you. This is where you can make the best impression, with the great earth trine between the Sun in your 6th, the Moon in your 2nd and Jupiter in your 10th.

The sign indicates success on more than one level. The emotional lift is just as important to you as any other reward. Get started and pay attention to your routines, habits and how they affect your well-being. Especially when the Sun is in your 6th on the 11th opposite Neptune in your 12th. What needs to change?

Remember, Jupiter always brings solutions and opportunities. Besides, they say the bigger the better. So don’t delay. From conversation to finding love or change. Draw attention to this week’s success. A new chapter is just one of the possibilities an Aries can attract. In a nutshell: T

his is a week for love and attraction, Aries. Start a conversation, whether it’s about work or something personal. Words set the law of attraction in motion. So say it with love now.


word-image-5241 Truth equals freedom Solutions will be found to meet the constraints Have the courage to chase your dreams Taurus, you are determined to get to the bottom of what has been bothering you for some time. Keep digging. Mars retrograde in your 12th house. House is forcing you to revert to your old habits this week. For a good reason. Many of us have never experienced such a retrograde of Mars in our adult lives.

In your house of secrets and the past, this may mean working behind the scenes, watching where and how history repeats itself (and vowing to stop the cycle of repetition), and most importantly, getting to the bottom of what you think is hidden or being hidden. I hope you have nothing to hide yourself, because the secrets will come out now, no matter how hard you try to push them away.

A word of warning: Be careful who you trust now. This is your home of hidden enemies. If you need to talk to someone about something confidential or matters of the heart, talk to a professional such as a doctor, therapist, lawyer, religious leader or one of our psychics whose job it is to maintain confidentiality. But all is revealed on a need-to-know basis. If something seems wrong, you need to know!

The truth will set you free

Speaking the truth directly to others when appropriate, or finding out what is really going on, is now your key to freedom. Jupiter in its 9th house. The point in your diagram moves forward again from the 13th. This week you also have a major earth trine between Jupiter, the Moon in your sign on the 8th, and the Sun in your 5th house.

Freedom or liberation from restrictions or inhibitions can take unexpected forms. Mercury, in the 6th sign, is the 11th. Chiron in your 12th opposite. On the same day, the Sun is in your 6th opposite Neptune in your 11th. This is one of your big goals and dreams. The 13th is the day Jupiter becomes direct again, and Venus will be in trine with Chiron, your ruler in the 4th.

Whatever stands between you and the satisfaction of your soul, or simply the freedom to do what makes your heart sing, can magically disappear when you see things as they really are. And then you know exactly what to do. The way forward is now open, Taurus. Do you have the courage to accept it?

In a nutshell: Talking about your dreams takes courage and guts, Taurus. Happiness is one of the signs of determination. The restrictions will be lifted starting this week. So take confidence and go where the opportunity takes you!


word-image-5243 What else are you interested in? Be open to the impossible Take back what makes your heart sing Resonance and relevance are your keywords for the coming months, Gemini. Resonance as an extension of friendship. And relevance when it comes to your goals, desires and dreams.

Dreams must evolve with you

What (or even who) have you outgrown? You analyze your friendships, group connections, parties, clubs, societies, groups, charities – and see if you are still aligned as Mars retrogrades into your 11th house from the 10th. House.

Many of us have not encountered this kind of retro Mars in our adult lives. Friendships are put to the test during this time. And it’s important to maintain a consistent vision when you’ve come to the conclusion that you’ve outgrown some of them. B

e prepared for some to end on a high note, while others disappear without a whimper when you release them. Remember, you’ve passed them by when you do. Your 11th is also the home of your future and therefore sets your goals. So don’t be surprised if you revisit them, even though they are important.

As we develop, what we want to achieve often changes as well. So don’t be afraid to let go of the dream when you get past it. Some of you may realize that you shouldn’t have stopped pursuing this dream. If so, it’s time to rekindle the flame.

Unclear, no correct time possible

Chiron, who brings inexplicable and surprising results from outside, is also in your 11th house. For example, being in the right place at the right time. The dates of the encounter with destiny are on the 11th, when it will be in opposition to Mercury ruling in your 5th house.

House, and on the 13th when Venus is in trine in your 3rd house. Shapes of the house. Do you want to meet new people? Whether it’s friendship or love, these days you can use your confidence and skills to start a conversation. Jupiter, the ruler of luck, choices and great opportunities, returns to your eight of money and resources that you share with others – and they in turn share with you.

The 9th has a perfect trine between her and the Sun in your 4th house. You may be offered something that will increase your emotional and/or financial security. Or offers a solution to this life-work dynamic. Maybe it’s time to fire up your imagination and picture your dreams of success or the lifestyle you want to achieve? The opposition of the Sun to Neptune on the 11th shows you that this is not just a daydream. But they can hold the key to living and working with the well-being in your heart.

First of all, Gemini, it’s time to give your ideas a home. Especially if you have the means to make those dreams come true. How you work with what you have and how seriously you take your vision might lead you to focus on something bigger this week.

In a nutshell: Mars retrograde in your 11th house. The sign wants you to analyze what is relevant and resonates with you, Gemini. This applies to everything from friendships to goals. If the fire is no longer burning, start a new fire now!


word-image-5244 Don’t go backwards if you’re going forwards Show a little (or a lot) of brash assertiveness. Love can come in unexpected ways Being a cardinal sign, a retrograde Mars in his ruling sign, Aries, and in your tenth sign over the next two months could leave you feeling frustrated or like you just have no ambition.

You have already learned that Mars will square your Cancer planets during his record six-month stay here. So, what’s your plan of attack, Krebs? It’s about assertiveness. But to work together to find better solutions. Instead of falling into the classic Mars trap and getting out of control. Or your standard scratching motion is to retreat to your shell.

Love takes a radical turn

Jupiter is at work for you this week, moving directly into your house of partnerships and all long-term relationships. As for discussions, the Sun is in your 3rd house. House on the 9th, trine with Jupiter, and Mercury rules communication in your 4th.

House opposite Chiron in your 10th on the 11th. House. Don’t be afraid to offer something new or unusual. Especially if you and someone else are at an impasse. Reach for the desire for higher good and freedom when you are stuck, because the 11th dimension is what you need.

The sun is in opposition to Neptune in your 9th house. But please, if something needs to be said or decided, don’t put it off and seek refuge in avoidance. It’s about finding the courage to say or do what is necessary. It could be easy to sell yourself and your talents better at work.

Mars, of course, is in your house of success and recognition. Don’t be tempted to confront your superiors or authority figures. But don’t be obnoxious. If anyone can cross that thin line – even crookedly – it’s you, Cancer. Venus in her secondary house. in your horoscope gives you diplomacy and a desire for improvement.

Especially in matters of love and partnership, thanks to Jupiter, who has been direct again in your 7th house since the 13th. The house is. With Jupiter in conjunction with Chiron on the 13th, the same day it becomes direct, you could discover solutions to old problems you didn’t even know existed. Or make one up yourself. Selling it (or her) should be easy, cancer.

In a nutshell: Love-related decisions or obstacles to love may rear their heads this week. As well as unexpected opportunities related to past, current or potential partnerships. This week, love came unexpectedly.


word-image-5245 Discover new ways of expression and freedom Out of captivity and into freedom Take a leap of faith – in yourself Mars retrograde in your 9th house. House can point out all the limitations you’ve had to deal with lately. Leo needs to blow off steam now and find a healthy outlet. Mars in your 9th usually represents bold action, to paraphrase Star Trek.

But by doing so, you may feel like you are not moving forward quickly. You need to explore something or delve into something – even if your current circumstances don’t allow you to physically go on a faraway trip right now. An activity, a big dream, a theme – channel the energy of Mars into these areas.

Leap of Faith

The ruler of the sun stays in your 2nd home. House of income and self-worth, and Jupiter, the planet representing your 9th house. House rules, will be directly in your 6th house from the 13th. House. Venus stays in your 1st year. Home and builds your self-esteem. While Mercury is in the dominant position on the 11th.

Chiron opposition in your 9th – on the same day that your ruler opposes Neptune in your 8th. Where’s it all going? A leap of faith, Leo. Take a step forward or try something, just because it gives you courage and especially because it makes you feel good.

It could be belief in yourself, your abilities, your talents, or simply belief in the results you can achieve. Jupiter is the planet that wants you to take risks and thus expand what you think you can have, do or experience. Seizing this opportunity may bring you unexpected results or simply open up new possibilities, as Venus is in conjunction with Chiron in your sign on the same day as Jupiter’s rise.

Risky move? That’s what this week is about, Leo. In a nutshell: Do something bold and outrageous and take a risk this week, Leo. They were never meant to remain chained to a caste that keeps them alive. Decisions that will put you back in the spotlight of love come this week.


word-image-5246 What comes, comes for the last time. A new book about love Love surrounds you in unexpected places Here we go again, virgin. What you thought was done comes back, like a final push. If it’s something from your past, understand that if you can’t really establish that cycle, they will come and then go again – this time for good.

Old problems call for a new approach

The cycle of rinse and repeat that you may experience in the coming months is due to Mars retrograde in its former line eight. Just when you think you’ve done something, it comes back. Kind of like a space game in Whack-a-Mole. Don’t be disappointed, though. And to put an end to that feeling, Here we go again, you may have to turn to a different set of rules. Mars rules the borders.

They like systems and checklists. But maybe you need a new set of rules, and lucky for you, Chiron has one ready for you. Inspiring decisions, sky-rocketing thoughts – try what has never been tried before, what seems familiar, because Mercury, ruling your 2nd house, is a new sign. The House objected on the 11th.

Venus gives extra inspiration when she is in the 13th trine with Chiron. This is especially true for love and close personal relationships. Past, present and yes, potential partners. The Sun in your 1st is in trine with Jupiter in your 5th on the 9th. Jupiter advances on the 13th – the same day that Venus forms a trine with Chiron in your 12th.

New opportunities for love could literally be all around you now and in unexpected places. When it comes to current or even past partners, take advantage of the Sun’s opposition to Neptune in your 7th house. House at 11. Especially when it comes to expressing feelings. You like to do things by the book, virgin. Now – write a new chapter in your book.

In a nutshell: The tried-and-true approach to love – or finding it – may not be working for you anymore, Virgo. Sometimes a fresh approach – or an openness to something radically different – brings us exactly what we’re looking for.


word-image-5247 Try a little tenderness. Hot or not. Watch the temperature of love change Do not doubt these feelings. Where’s the heat? Mars retrograde in your 7th house.

House can get you thinking about this, as well as the question What kind of love? Feelings can go from hot to not hot as early as day 10, and then back again in the blink of an eye. For the next few months. Mars is spending an unusually long time in your 7th house. House.

It’s because of the backward movement that hasn’t happened for over 30 years! Many of you have never encountered this kind of energy in partnerships: One minute it’s ready, the next it’s not. And all kinds of close relationships. This includes buddies, work relationships, activity partners, all sorts of dynamic duos – and yes, even an enemy, rival or adversary.

Try a little tenderness!

It’s time to give more. First, show yourself the love you are missing or looking for. Then, when you search for a solution with someone, start from love. Because you are a cardinal sign, you will feel this retrograde very strongly because Mars will make difficult angles with your Libra planets.

Regardless of how you feel – and that includes how you really feel about someone or something – try to achieve your signature desire for harmony.

Make Love, Not War

Mars retro in your 7th. House could give you a classic me versus them scenario. Retro Mars can make you lose your usual composure – and balance – here! They burn on a short fuse, and it can seem that people will do anything to light it up again! But not everything is necessarily bad in this Cardinals tough weather.

If someone has crossed the line, you can now make sure they stay on their side of the line, forever. Positive changes in love, partnerships, and the ability to attract new people and situations by what you say and communicate are suggested when Mercury is in opposition to Chiron in your 1st on the 11th – also in your 7th. You need to broadcast – if not in person, then online – your brand, your image, your message.

Venus, in your sector of friendship and the future, forms a trine with Chiron on the 13th. This can lead to unexpected relationships or unusual and important new acquaintances.

Get your soul house in order!

But cardinal time brings the solution in the form of Jupiter in your 4th house. House – straight from the 13th. Follow your intuition when it comes to moving, changing and feeling good now. The sun stays in your 12th house this week. House and highlights Jupiter on the 9th.

House, family, apartment, roommates, landlords, your home, your apartment – the atmosphere of the place where you live, work or spend time is very important. Some of you may be considering a change or move based on what you have learned. Like the food you give your soul home, exercise, diet, nutrition, and of course ideas and thoughts.

If Mars rules the borders, your 12th house shows it. House is working against you. The intuitive feeling or revelation that manifests on the 11th, when the Sun in your 12th reveals Neptune in your 6th, is a call to action. And even the reverse is true – Mars is synonymous with action. Accept it, Libra. Even though it’s long overdue.

In a nutshell: A rare Mars retrograde in your opposite sign, Aries, can make you say: What love! Expect the unexpected or the impossible when it comes to the direction love wants you to take right now.


word-image-5248 It’s time to work the old-fashioned way Take the time to change Acting in accordance with inner wisdom leads to the outer changes you seek. In this season of Mars retrograde, Scorpio, the old rules apply. That’s because Mars is your old rule.

The connection between work and well-being is what you need to focus on now. I do too much. Hurry up and get rid of the things you don’t really want to do so you can focus on what you need to do. What you’re doing is inflammatory to you. Or leave you cold. The tank is empty.

They do not live life to the full, but are in a hurry. How to fuel your body against junk food. Transformation is at the heart of everything to do with your rulers, ancient or modern. So take your time and see what needs to be changed. Mars can encourage us to act thoughtlessly and too hastily. Without looking at the long term or paying attention to the necessary details. This is when mistakes and accidents happen.

Inner changes affect your outer world

Change your lifestyle/environment now, but take time to adjust. When it comes to your workload – paid, unpaid, training – keep up the pace. Appeal to your inner wisdom.

You, as an Aries with Mars retrograde, should know that Mars’ energy needs an outlet to stay positively charged. This may mean increasing your exercise or starting a new exercise program. You feel more outgoing, so socially distant activities, friends, groups of the Sun in your 11th house. characters are affected. On the 9th, it bounces on Jupiter in your 3rd. House.

Jupiter becomes direct on the 13th and opens the doors to the internet, trade, communication, news and important information. Meanwhile, unexpected news from someone in your past, or a surprising revelation related to all those 6th quarter issues, could make you feel better. related to the house, result from Mercury in your 12th and Chiron in your 6th 11th.

Love gets a reality check

On the same day, the Sun is in opposition to Neptune in your 5th house. House across the street. Babies, children, your adult children, your grandchildren, the next generation and your role in their lives can now be highlighted.

What can you share, teach or give? The downside is the sudden realization that the connection is not as good as you think. And if so, prepare for a shock when the rose-colored glasses fall off. Despite Mars retrograde in your main house of work, director Jupiter is in your 3rd house. House in 13 just had to open doors or provide solutions related to a job, career, education, blog, website, social media, book, script or business.

When things have come to a standstill, see them move forward again. With Venus in your 10th house. House aims to improve your professional reputation or your public image. A triangle with Chiron on the 13th can also open a door you didn’t even know existed to make the best impression on someone you care about. This is exactly the kind of action you need to take this week, Phoenix!

In a nutshell: Former ruler Mars is making a rare retrograde move in your 6th house. House of well-being and routine. By taking care of yourself and working with what you have, you can bring about the outer changes you are striving for. It’s the little things that count. And small is very powerful.

Magnetic switch

Love makes the impossible possible again. Reconnect with your inner child Creating a basis for living the dream This week, Jupiter will finally be direct.

By the end of November, you should be seeing solutions related to money, finances, your income and self-esteem. Obstacles to progress in these areas should now disappear, and by the end of November you will have achieved a definitive and brilliant victory.

Keeping up with the pace of change

At the moment we still have very changeable weather. In other words, all other changeable signs have significant astrological transits. We also experience cardinal time at the same time. Jupiter is in a cardinal sign with Pluto and Saturn.

Mercury is already in Libra and the Sun will soon follow. Right now, in Aries and in your 5th house. In the 2nd house, Mars, Aries’ ruling planet, makes an extremely rare retrograde move here. We haven’t had this kind of reverse energy for over 30 years!

So, depending on our age, either we experience it for the first time at an advanced age, or whatever caused it last time is long forgotten! Change is necessary, so be flexible.

Mutable literally means the ability to change and transform. In something that has evolved. Or track the necessary changes as they occur. You can beat him, Sag!

The Young Ones

Mars retrograde in your 5th house. Signs focuses on babies, children, young adults, your leadership and parenting skills, your adult children, your inner child, and past, present and potential love relationships. Especially the ones that can make you a parent, stepparent, etc.

An incredible and unexpected love

Moreover, Chiron – the impossible object of surprise – is also in your 5th house. Love helps us feel young again, no matter how old we are. We fall in love, and the impossible seems possible again. Chiron might be playing the cupid this week.

Or it will bring incredibly scandalous news or encounters if first Mercury is in opposition in your 11th. Venus in your ninth house is trine on the 13th – the same day that Jupiter goes direct in Venus’ second house.

Welcome back to the fun zone, Sag! The Sun in your 10th sign, the changing sign Virgo, is in trine with Jupiter on the 9th, then in opposition to Neptune in your 4th sign on the 11th. Here you will be asked what you want for the long term – including career, home, physical, financial and emotional security. Think realistically and long term.

This week important decisions can be made or a new course of freedom and great love is set. You know that these are the ideals that you strive for. Keep it real, Sag.

In a nutshell: Kids, babies, raising kids. What do you have to offer the younger generation? Lovers – past, present and potential. The key to all of this is to accept your inner child. Love is the impossible force that will lead you to the future, Sag.


word-image-5249 Personal goals get the green light again The solutions are very different Show your vulnerable side This week, Jupiter goes directly into your first house on the 13th. House. Hope to remove obstacles to dreams, goals and personal progress.

The Sun in the 9th sign of Jupiter shows you that you need to know where you want to go, be clear in your words, and know what an opportunity or solution looks like when it presents itself. And when that happens, take action.

Be prepared for a drastic blow tocapabilities

Something could happen this week that fulfills a long-held need or desire that has to do with freedom and stability, home and career. The Sun forms a trine with Jupiter on the 9th, prepares to move forward, and then makes an opposition with Neptune in your 3rd house on the 11th. House.

Study carefully what is presented to you, and don’t be afraid to repeat what you say if necessary. First and foremost, put everything on paper and understand that the deal is not done until it is done. Avoid people who can’t keep their word and make sure you keep yours. Positive change happens when you dare to try something new.

Or you can go for the untested option, as Mercury is in your status sector on the 11th vs Chiron in your 4th. Venus also forms a trine with Chiron on the 13th, in your sector of money, change and power – the same day that Jupiter advances. A single proposal or solution is the answer.

Don’t be afraid to be vulnerable

This week you will feel the need for emotional safety at a basic level. This is due to the rare retrograde of Mars, which has been in your 4th since the 10th. House. Mars is square the planets in Capricorn, so your public image and professional status become even more important than usual.

Mars retro in your 4th. House can make you feel emotionally vulnerable and overwhelmed. You may become cranky and easily irritated by the people around you. If so, spend as much time outside as possible and channel that energy into physical activity. This feeling of instability can be exacerbated by what is happening in the wider world, over which you have little control.

In other words, the company you work for, the country you live in, the times we live in. So it’s all the more important that when a radical decision comes your way this week that gives you a chance to build a solid foundation – financial, physical, emotional – you give it a place in the house, Capricorn. Don’t be afraid to be vulnerable. Or share what you feel. It is the foundation of something real and lasting.

In a nutshell: A deep need for security and building a solid foundation is coming to the surface now, Capricorn. More importantly, the question of which house or place is for you. It is possible to build a more solid foundation. You’re just showing your sensitive side.


word-image-5250 Put your money where your mouth is Stick to your words – and make sure others do too. Say what you think, say what you think. Don’t be afraid to start over, Aquarius. Mars retrograde in your 3rd house.

The signs of communication tell you that you may need to repeat yourself. And take responsibility for your words. It has been over 30 years since Mars was retrograde in its ruling sign and in this house of your horoscope. You may feel that others are not listening to you or not paying attention to what you are saying right now. Therefore, you must back up your words with corresponding actions.

But please don’t try to bring up every time that others didn’t listen to you in the past when it was a pattern. Instead, take a step back and ask yourself if you made it clear that there would be consequences if you were ignored – and if you complied.

Words are worthless – deeds speak louder than words

An example of this is my aquarium friend who lived with her partner for four years but actually wanted to get married. He kept saying he’d think about it. Finally, she told him he had time to think about it, but if he hadn’t made up his mind by then, she would leave.

The problem was that he didn’t know and neither did she. Four months after the deadline, she was still there and he was still thinking. Each subsequent year The ultimatums she issued then were not credible. It took five more months before she finally left. She is now happily married to another man.

The best advice I can give you right now is to remember what you say, and not hesitate to put your money where your mouth is. Avoid arguing if possible, although a war of words is now very likely. And don’t waste your time and energy on internet relationships with people who don’t know your third degree. The characters are directed. Accept it, others are entitled to their opinion and keep scrolling.

Words are bands of truth and love

A highlight in your 12. Mars square all planets of the 12th house. The houses in your horoscope can expose people who don’t keep their word, so be careful. Jupiter wants to move you forward and away from this kind of personal dynamic when he returns here from the 13th. You will see who or what is good for you now.

Who is reliable and only talks, but doesn’t back up his words with anything. Ideas, revelations and clarity may be waiting for you this week. And the opportunity to make changes, if necessary, opens up when the Sun is in trine with Jupiter on the 9th in your 8th and Mercury is in opposition with Chiron on the 11th in Jupiter’s 9th, also in your 3rd house.

On the same day there is an opposition of the Sun and Neptune. This can lead you to pay attention to who or what you support (or their word) and what you can count on. Unexpected statements, news, opportunities, or you will hear, say, or be attracted to something (or someone!) you never thought of could be the result of Venus trine in her 7th house. Triangle Chiron on the 13th.

On the same day, Jupiter becomes direct. You can be the one who dares to say or start something. For example, applying for a job, starting a conversation, suggesting an idea. Or you hear from someone you never thought you’d hear from. Whatever you say this week, Aquarius, say it like you mean it. And go for it.

In a nutshell: Mars retrograde in your communication zone can cause you to repeat yourself. Or show with your actions that you mean what you say. Don’t postpone this conversation, Aquarius. Or follow your word.


word-image-5251 Work like you know you deserve it. Making new and unexpected decisions Make sure love is what it seems It’s time to pay attention to your income, money, possessions, assets, talents, skills, abilities and self-esteem.

Mars is making a retroactive move into your money zone this week. And it will stay that way until November. Mars in your second home. House usually ignites your ability to achieve (and maintain!) more malleable things.

A smooth March can cause you to question your budgeting skills and revisit old financial issues. It can also highlight your beliefs about how you deserve to be rewarded and treated. Not just in terms of salary and income, but also the people around you.

Working for what you’re worth

Your second in command. The home also rules the relationships you hold dear. So expect surprises and revelations around them. Above all, it is time to work on oneself and not compromise on these unchanging values. For example, it may involve resolving issues related to your compensation.

For example, finding a better paying job or taking a part-time job, and how you feel valued by your loved ones. You need to clear this up now. The sun in your 7th house. House is reaching out to you. He also forms a trine with Jupiter on the 9th, bringing affirmation or even a new contact that reflects better self-esteem.

Jupiter is directly in your 11th house from the 13th. House. And you could very well achieve your goal by communicating towards the end of the year. The true nature of this connection – soul to soul or just gold – will be revealed to you on the 11th when the Sun is opposite Neptune. Make sure you agree with the person you know in your heart you need to deal with, Pisces.

This can lead to a dreamy, otherworldly encounter. But you have to be sure that the other party is who they say they are. Embrace the unexpected, especially when it comes to growth opportunities in your bank account when Mercury is in your other house of money at the 11th opposite Chiron, also in your 2nd house. While Venus, who rules your 2nd, is in trine with Chiron on the 13th. Unexpected increases in your personal reserves by others, unexpected and lucrative opportunities to make money, feelings of wealth and abundance on the mental plane may follow.

This can be a completely new and unusual way to generate income. Don’t take unnecessary risks. But don’t be afraid to try something new this week, Pisces. This includes professional or romantic partnerships, which will be very different from anything you’ve experienced so far.

HoroscopeIn a nutshell: Know your true value now that Mars is in your 2nd house. The sign of values and self-worth, Pisces, is retrograde. And make sure others know exactly how you want to be treated. Love must now meet your gold standard. After all, you deserve better than fool’s gold.

Written by our amazing astrologer and clairvoyant Elena To watch the video on astrology, click hereAstrology is an ancient science that has been around for thousands of years. The idea is that the positions of the planets in the sky influence our lives. In ancient times, it was used to predict planetary movements that would impact the lives of the citizens of that time. In modern times, the use of astrology has expanded beyond the horoscope to include a variety of areas, like business, career, health, relationships, and sports.. Read more about september 7 zodiac and let us know what you think.

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